Thoughtfulness from the Cycle of Feminist Occupational Therapy Meetings. Feminist Core of Occupational Therapists of Chile




Feminist Occupational Therapy, political practice, resistance, feminist pedagogies


The text appears as a better alternative in the process of systematization and circulation of knowledge that we promote as the Feminist Core of Occupational Therapists, regarding the realization of the Cycle of Feminist Occupational Therapy Meetings in March 2017, in Santiago, Chile. Here we bring together occupational therapists and students of the same discipline, with the main objective of building a collectively feminist occupational therapy. The thoughtfulness -articulations and tensions- on the process of the Cycle of Encounters made it possible to account for the political dimension of resistance practices like this, separated from feminist and counter-hegemonic pedagogies, to collaborate in the construction of a feminist occupational therapy. The topics proposed in four meetings of the Cycle were: feminism and occupational therapy, sexist violence, disability and gender, and care as a feminized occupation. We support from our locus of speech, and collectively, dialogues that reveal and highlight the learnings, in a situated way and anchored in the recognition of those who preceded us, of those who were historically challenged and resisted a supposedly unique history of occupational therapy. Meeting each other, dialoguing, recognizing each other and consciously resisting, continue to be ways of transforming.


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Author Biographies

Gloria Silva Espinosa, Núcleo Feminista de Terapeutas Ocupacionales

Terapeuta Ocupacional, núcleo Feminista de Terapeutas Ocupacionales.

Vanessa Moncada Contreras, Núcleo Feminista de Terapeutas Ocupacionales

Terapeuta Ocupacional, Núcleo Feminista de Terapeutas Ocupacionales.

Daniela Cantilla Castilla, Núcleo Feminista de Terapeutas Ocupacionales.

Terapeuta Ocupacional. Núcleo Feminista de Terapeutas Ocupacionales.

Alexandra González Varas, Núcleo Feminista de Terapeutas Ocupacionales

Terapeuta Ocupacional. Núcleo Feminista de Terapeutas Ocupacionales.


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How to Cite

Silva Espinosa, G., Moncada Contreras, V., Cantilla Castilla, D., & González Varas, A. (2024). Thoughtfulness from the Cycle of Feminist Occupational Therapy Meetings. Feminist Core of Occupational Therapists of Chile. Contexto, 11, 75-93.