Telerehabilitation in occupational therapy to older people dependents and self-supporting


  • Mónica Matamala Morales Universidad Andrés Bello
  • Karina Plaza Cornejo Universidad Central de Chile



Day center, Elderly people, Social isolation, Telerehabilitation, Occupational Therapy



The telerehabilitation process carried out with the elderly beneficiaries of the “CapaciTO” day centre was carried out during quarantine periods in Chile, because the policies have been aimed at the confinement of this age group.
The success of the telerehabilitation program lies in the activities prior to start-up, where discussions were held to understand what would be the most appropriate way of communicating with the elderly people, recognizing effective communication techniques and the various forms of communication that exist. Topics related to mental health and how professionals projected the various difficulties that could arise in complex times were addressed. This, thinking of people with chronic degenerative pathologies, such as dementia, and those self-reliant elderly Adults.
The contact and opinion of each family was fundamental, since it allowed them to know the technological means and knowledge of the area to carry out the tele-rehabilitation. In addition to the interest in trying this new challenge. All this would allow structuring a new way of functioning from the virtual context and Occupational Therapy.

The contact and opinion of each family was fundamental, since it allowed them to know the technological means and knowledge of the area to carry out the tele-rehabilitation. In addition to the interest in trying this new challenge. All this would allow structuring a new way of functioning from the virtual context and Occupational Therapy.


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Author Biographies

Mónica Matamala Morales, Universidad Andrés Bello

Terapeuta Ocupacional, Licenciada en Ciencias de la Ocupación, Universidad Andrés Bello. Máster en Gerontología, Universidad de Valencia.

Docente de campo clínico de distintas instituciones de educación superior, con experiencia en cátedras y simposios relacionados a la temática Personas mayores. Fundadora y representante legal del centro de día “CapaciTO” desde el año 2015.

Karina Plaza Cornejo, Universidad Central de Chile

Terapeuta Ocupacional en el centro de día para Personas mayores “CapaciTO”. Realizando supervisión a las/os estudiantes que se encuentran cursando su práctica profesional mediante el acompañamiento en sus sesiones vía remota con las Personas mayores.


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World Federation of Occupational Therapists. (2012a). About occupational therapy.



How to Cite

Matamala Morales, M. ., & Plaza Cornejo, K. (2021). Telerehabilitation in occupational therapy to older people dependents and self-supporting. Contexto, 7, 41-57.